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Saturday, August 05, 2006

Cashback Credit Cards

Those of you who read this blog regularly will already know that I'm always ready to commend stupendous unique innovations, excellent things. Well I have just discovered one! The cashback credit cards balance transfer alert service.

Okay, well what is it? It's a site that actually lets you know when your credit card's opening no interest period is nearing an end, and sends a link in an e-message to automatically transfer the credit card balance to a new lender; it's effectively a cashback credit card alert system.

With the new service this stupendous site allows, you could have your cashback credit card replaced by another one with no interest charges, for years and years! In fact you could use this service for as often as you like to make your balance transfers work for you.

How we handle our finances is ultimately up to ourselves as consumers. If we do not demand good quality of business from our credit card suppliers then we will not get it. If we know that our cashback credit card value may be improved then we should all do something about it instead of keeping quiet. Doing very little only panders to the bad practices of corporate behaviour. We should all confront this problem as rational people, should we not!

The big financial institutions may treat us better if people made more noise about innovations. A service like this shall be highly useful to all credit card users. If people are unhappy with the standards of service shown by our present cashback credit card then we should perhaps employ a third party service like this.

Take a look at the Credit Card Transfers website for further details of how we can all make more intelligent use of our credit cards. The site for UK cardholders is Credit Card Transfers UK.

A fantastic third party service for your cashback credit cards.

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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Credit Card Balance Transfer Fees

Credit Card Balance Transfer Fees are with us! Just when we thought it was safe to cut our costs by getting rid of all the ineterest charges that the banks are heaping on us, we discover that, increasingly, the banks are charging us one or two percent of the balance when we make the transfer to a new card.

This blog is fighting back for consumers. Credit Card Balance Transfer Fees are not the way forward. We oppose them and will do our best to only show those card that as yet do not have these iniquitous fees in a better light. There are still some banks that do this.

There are also banks that are beginning to end the process of leaving the higher-rated transactions (such as cash withdrawals) to the end of the pile when it comes to making the monthly minimum payment, so that they stay at the back of the line racking up more interest. As long as the banks know that we know about this they will do something about it to compete with the other banks in battle for customers.

As long as we exert our power of choice we consumers will prevail. But we can only do this if we are armed with the right knowledge. It seems that knowledge is power after all!

Down with Credit Card Balance Transfer Fees.


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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The More Than Traffic Scam

The More Than Traffic scam will be well and truly outed as a scam by now. By that I mean that the mugs who have fallen for their little ruse (myself included) will be licking our wounds, putting it down to experience, promising ourselves we'll never fall for such a thing again, and adjusting to it without letting ourselves become bitter.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators of the More Than Traffic scam will be off with our money. Probably laughing all the way to the bank with their ill-gotten gains. Back to their nasty little lives to dream up other ways of ripping off honest people.

I'm angry with them, certainly. But I'm much more angry with Harrow Trading Standards office (just down the road from me, as was the More Than Traffic scam) who said they would do nothing about them unless sufficient people complained to them. I explained to Harrow Trading Standards that by the time sufficient people had complained the damage would have been done. That is the nature of con-men. They're off. They don't wait around for trading standards officers.

So here's to the Trading Standards offices throughout the UK, the department with no teeth and a total lack of balls.

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